UP-CLOSE by Monica Muñoz is a dance performance, discussion, and workshop all in one.
Date | Thu 27 & Fri 28 Oct 2022 |
Location | Schools |
Monica Muñoz Dance
UP-CLOSE by Monica Muñoz is a dance performance, discussion, and workshop all in one.
Date | Thu 27 & Fri 28 Oct 2022 |
Location | Schools |
UP-CLOSE by Monica Muñoz has been specially developed to bring dance to schools in an accessible way and to stimulate an appetite for dance. The hour-long program takes place at your school.
1st - 6th class
Capacity: up to 60 children per session (2 sessions can take place in one school per day)
For an opportunity to have them visit your school please contact boxoffice@hawkswell.com.
At the heart of this programme is UP-CLOSE: An energetic dance piece where two strangers meet, connect, and celebrate their new friendship. Together they look to the future with hope, optimism, and an appetite for life. UP-CLOSE is about trusting each other, building resilience together and letting go of the past. Designed for two dancers and a car tyre, blending contemporary, street dance styles with circus skills, peppered with good humour and raw energy UP-CLOSE appeals to the liveness of children and ignites our yearning for physical contact. (25 mins)
➔ The performance is followed by a conversation to capture what the audiences have seen and an opportunity to ask questions. (15 mins)
➔ Finally, with ease of transition the creative team facilitate a movement workshop and almost without realising it, children can explore ideas from the show and experience the piece physically. (15 mins)
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