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Five dancers on the stage with projected visuals on the back wall and a performer floating above on suspension wires.

Our Collaborations

We believe in the power of collaboration, connection and communication to help us achieve our goals.

We collaborate with many networks, organisations, communities and artists to bring creative projects to life and to create new work.

Nationally, we are members of three different theatre networks. 

The Strollers Network is the largest network in the country and it is committed to the twin aims of supporting artists and developing audiences.

The Nomad Network is particular to the North West region and is the first network of its kind, being a partnership of venues and a professional theatre company working together to change the face of touring and theatre in the Sligo region.

The  Network for Extraordinary Audiences offers theatre adventures for audiences of babies, early years and children with complex needs. 

These networks share resources and funding so that regional, national and international theatre companies, musicians and artists can visit more venues and produce new original work. As a direct result of Hawk’s Well being a member of these three networks, Sligo audiences can see the very best performances in all art forms.

Discounted tickets for music events for those under 18 years of age are co-funded by Music Generation Sligo and the Hawk’s Well Theatre.

We collaborate with many festivals and organisations locally and nationally to bring the magic of live performance to our venue. We work year-round to bring the best acts possible to Sligo with festival organisers such as Sligo Jazz Festival, Cairde Sligo Arts Festival, Sligo Live, Tread Softly Festival, Sligo Pride Festival and many more.