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Cultural Companions

A network for people interested in arts and culture.

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Many of us would go to a lot more plays, shows, and workshops if we had someone to go with. That’s why Hawk’s Well Theatre was pleased to announce its Cultural Companions initiative which started in 2022, now a highly popular monthly event. A network of like-minded people interested in arts and culture who can accompany each other to cultural events. This is a great way to meet new people with shared interests.

Cultural Companions can be any age, but we would especially welcome older people to join. Through this initiative; companions will receive a seasonal event calendar, and can then book to attend events included in the company of others. Cultural Companions aim is to provide increased opportunities for older people to engage with Sligo’s vibrant cultural and arts scene. It will bring together a group of sociable people that meet up regularly to go out and enjoy live artistic experiences.

Hawk’s Well Theatre recognises the diversity of older people and seeks to focus on their enormous contribution through their continuing contribution to the Arts. As outlined in the National Positive Ageing Strategy - engagement through activity can help to maintain quality of life, promote social contact, combat loneliness and isolation and maintain people as active members of society. Participation in leisure activities is associated with a lower risk of poor mental and physical health outcomes and mortality.

The Creative Companion initiative will call for volunteers to take an active role to encourage people to attend and participate in Arts events at the theatre, building a stronger creative community for older people in Sligo. Hawk’s Well Theatre is supported by The Community Foundation For Ireland and Age & Opportunity in promoting and encouraging participation in this exciting new social programme.

We are now hosting Coffee Mornings at 11am, the last Friday of every month from 26 May.

If you would like to get involved, email Isabel Claffey at