Locals@Lunch - A New Female-Led Series

Locals@Lunch will take place in the theatre foyer at lunchtime between 1.10 and 1.50pm. No booking is required. Just come along and enjoy forty minutes of creative escapism as a wealth of local arts talent is celebrated in this special lunchtime event series. Feel free to bring your own lunch.
A selection of local female artists will each curate and lead one lunchtime event in collaboration with artists of their choosing each week.
Wed 14 Sept - Amy O'Hara
Wed 21 Sept - Sandy Kelly
This series has been made possible with support from Sligo County Council and the Local Live Programming Scheme.
Sligo: Live Invest Visit is an initiative of the Sligo Economic Forum in conjunction with Sligo County Council to support Sligo as a world class place in which to live green, invest smart and visit sustainably.
The Local Live Performance Programming Scheme was first launched by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media in mid-2021 and has boosted the reopening of the entertainment sector, allowing live events to take place and local talent to perform to audiences across the country.