8pm Book tickets
To avail of discounts, contact Box Office (071 9161518)
Date | Tues 12 - Wed 13 March, 2024, 8pm |
Location | Hawk's Well Theatre |
Price | €15/12conc. |
Ursuline College Sligo TY Students
To avail of discounts, contact Box Office (071 9161518)
Date | Tues 12 - Wed 13 March, 2024, 8pm |
Location | Hawk's Well Theatre |
Price | €15/12conc. |
Definitely a shift from Disney, this year’s Ursuline College TY musical takes a different path as they explore the stories of students in a Performing Arts school, hungry for Fame and freedom of expression but first must come the discipline and struggle of finding out who they are as individuals. A musical for everyone to enjoy with electrifying dance numbers and sweet melodies. This production is not to be missed.